With experience in handling goods and understanding in logistics services, Goodwill provides logistics solutions and services in a secure, efficient, and safe way for special goods in the transport chain including: . Transport frozen goods, cool goods. Transporting dangerous goods IMDG code for 9 groups, ISO tank . Van transports super-long and super-weight OOG goods. Professional packaging, packaging, labeling, lining, and lashing of goods during transportation
With experience in handling goods and understanding in logistics services, Goodwill provides logistics solutions and services in a secure, efficient, and safe way for special goods in the transport chain including: . Transport frozen goods, cool goods. Transporting dangerous goods IMDG code for 9 groups, ISO tank . Van transports super-long and super-weight OOG goods. Professional packaging, packaging, labeling, lining, and lashing of goods during transportation.
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